Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Goodbye Time

Today. Today is the day I've been anticipating and dreading for weeks.

Almost two months ago I received an e-mail from the University of Maryland accepting me to their MBA program. Dozens of conversations and prayers later I decided to give up my wonderful job and return to school.

Today is the day I tell my manager and my "supporters" within the company. Some have been supportive, others sad; most have simply wished me well.

Its hard to make a life-altering decision. From Kindergarten through College our paths are paved for us by our parents, the government and other institutions. While in college we decide which classes to take, what we'll do with our summers, and if we should study abroad, for the first time I feel I am truly on my own.

My parents have taken a backseat and cheered me on. My siblings, friends, and peers have offered advice with the disclaimer, "Ultimately, its up to you. You should do what fits your goals and will make you happy." It can be frustrating to have such wise friends :)

I've enjoyed my time in the working world, but I'm excited to be a student again. I love volunteering with MSA National and helping dozens of MSAs at once but I miss being part of one MSA. And UMD's MSA is amazing.

Now I just have to talk to my team lead, figure out my last day at Accenture, complete my exit activities, give back my beloved laptop, pick classes, buy books, find an apartment, sign a lease, pack-up and move.

Its great to be a student again :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Salaams Asma,
If it hurts to give up your job I volunteer to take over it while you go get your MBA. I know it'll be a big sacrifice from my part, but I'm just trying to be a good friend. ;)