Monday, December 31, 2007

Coming home from Can eh dia

I'm home!

I never thought I'd be so happy to see my family room couch. My 1.5 hour flight home turned into a 24 hour "adventure" complete with a canceled flight, three hours of waiting in line, stressing with trying to get to the airport and wishing I wasn't alone.

Alhamdulillah my MSA National sisters and the sisters I met at the RIS convention welcomed me with open arms and made me feel like one of their own.

Ordering pizza at 11pm and sitting around laughing with these amazing sisters, I began to miss home even more. That night my own crew of girls were meeting for dinner. For the first time in a long time everyone was in town and hanging out together - everyone except for me. Laughing with the Ottawa girls I felt so at home and so distant at the same time.

Arriving at Dulles and rushing home, I threw down my luggage and within an hour was surrounded by my girls. After a few very much deserved stern words we sat around laughing, remembering the time we were stranded in Tulsa, also due to "mechanical error" and planning our next trip. But we're definitely not going to Canada (at least not for a while).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

:) I hope you had a good time and that the girls entertained you enough. We're all home now and are planning a reunion/recap- wish you could be here! See you real soon iA.