Sunday, September 23, 2007


We often ignore the differences between different cultures, the speaker said. We interpret other people based on our own cultural reference, he noted.

He softly clicked the presentation remote and a question about American culture lit up the screen. He looked around the room of 120 MBA students and gently pointed to me.

"Why don't you answer this question dear. Where are you from?"

As I tilted my scarf-covered head, I said "Virginia" in an almost confused tone.

The entire auditorium errupted in laughter as the speaker's face dropped.


Anonymous said...

no...but where are you REALLY from? ;)

Anonymous said...

hey wait..i thought saying you're from virginia would have been perfectly acceptable. :(

Anonymous said...

ah, classic :)

Unknown said...

Hahaha - I laughed out loud reading your post at work!

Unknown said...

this is pure a different way than most would guess..